Saturday, December 30, 2017

My very FIRST blog post

Ok, so, this is my first Blog Post,  like EVER! I have NO idea what I'm going to talk about,  well, perhaps I have a teensie weensy idea. Why don't I just check in with my guides and see what they have to say? It seems that lately they have A LOT to say! HOO WEE!😂

3-2-1, here we go!

Ok, I've been going back and forth in my mind like a swinging pendulum (yet another idea I have in my monkey mind to offer to you as a yes/no answer guide), but it is clear that my guides want you to know me. Without further adieu, THIS is ME and I am obliged to be your ring leader (if you ALLOW it to be so 😂)

By the way, I kicked off my shoes and was walking barefoot in this photo as I enjoy connecting with the Earth to ground myself (when it is not-24 degrees of course 😲💨☃️) when I stepped in dog poo💩

This is ME, what you see is what you get, love me or hate me. I'm genuine, the real deal, no holds barred, a spiritually awakened divine feminine,  on the path and BEAUTIFUL journey of Divine Love ❤ who is day by day growing and expanding. I am a budding artist, creative, inquisitive,  quirky,  intuitive,  clairaudient (inner psychic hearing), I walk planet Earth with ringing in my ears (Yes! I answer the call even though sometimes I would like to use the call forward feature 🤣) and let's just say I'm a walking music playlist🎶🎵🎶🎵 (I receive majority of downloads and messages this way, which , might I add is NOT tinnitus but I sure am tenacious😏 highly clarsestinent  (psychic feeling) ,deep thinker, intuitive, Oracle and tarot card lover and reader, I believe in serendipitous events, angels/God/Guides  "Angel numbers ", numerology (I love love, did I say LOVEEEEE numbers?) synchronicities🌠, dream messages, divine love, I love being alone, being out in nature, random car rides with no destination. I follow my own guidance and do not give my power away. I will be the one to tell you to listen to your guidance and to go within. I believe that everything happens for a reason.  Nothing is EVER by chance, I BELIEVE in the law of attraction and the law of resonance, so if you don't resonate with me, no harm, no foul. 

I am more geared towards writing and the art of words vs video content (plus it's TIME CONSUMING and I like to keep things simple), as I conduct tarot and Oracle card readings in written summary along with photos, I decided that for me, this is the best avenue for me to get my message across and can fully relax into my TRUE authentic self.  (oh! and It's 11:11), and phone is 33% (a number with VERY significant meaning to me and my journey), with that being said,  I am also being nudged to start from the beginning,  to ditch the cards and focus on my channeled messages,  combined with my art (which is also intuitive) and maintaining this blog (And upcoming blog for my art/General intuitive readings), but readings /energy updates shared on this blog are strictly for those on the path of Divine Love.  I'm not Going to attach labels,  what you resonate with,  it's your journey.  Call it soulmate, bashert (a Jewish/Yiddish term for soulmate) twin flame,  twin soul, divine counterpart,  sacred union,  divine union. For me,  ALL I KNOW is this connection is destined and divine.  

Sometimes I May talk about nothing,  sometimes I May talk about something.  I am very random and I will keep you on your toes, that's for sure. I love emojis and put them to good use😃 

We will laugh together,  we will cry together,  we will heal together,  we will grow together. 

I am excited to see where this takes me, where this takes you and I look forward to positive feedback and comments to keep my momentum up. I am the page administrator
 My art creations and handmade jewelry (perfect for Pendulums) are currently for sale on my Facebook page until I tackle my ETSY shop (New year goal)

Feel free to stop on by and say Hi (a like would be wonderful too).I know this post wasn't very exciting. Rest assured,  we'll get there! So be careful with that you wish for 😄🌟🌠

Until we meet again,  have a Blessed and BEAUTIFUL day ❤